Anime is animation from Japan that is drawn by hand or using computer technology. The word anime stands for "animation" in English, which refers to any type of animation. Outside Japan This term is used occasionally specifically to refer to all animation produced in Japan, but it does not rule out that anime can be produced outside of Japan, anime itself has various techniques and types because in fact it is the animation work itself. There are also many anime genres ranging from action, fantasy, slice of life, comedy, mecha, romance, sport, horror, etc.Anime Wallpaper HD is a collection of manga anime galleries with full hd, 4k image quality which is perfect for your android smartphone wallpaper. Hurry up to be the first to have this manga anime wallpaper, because there are many choices of wallpaper galleries from various kinds of Japanese anime that are your favorites in this Anime Wallpaper HD application.Application features:# You can use images for Wallpaper or Lock Screen# Share wallpapers with all your friends and family# Can be used on all Android devices# Best quality images# Easy to operate# This application can also zoom in or zoom out as you like# Unlimited search features, according to the keywords you want# Update every dayDISCLAIMER: All copyright and trademark wallpaper content or their respective owners and use for this wallpaper application are included in the fair use guidelines. This app is aimed solely at Anime fans and helps them find an easier way to organize images as their mobile wallpaper.